Thursday, January 24, 2008


God Bless America.

In God we Trust.

America is a great land. One I used to want to live in as a matter of fact. I loved the attitude, the cheap smokes, buying beer at the gas station. Land of the free! Somethings different now. They've lost their way a bit. Well more than a bit. We have a front row seat to this debacle and it's being proven more and more that we disapprove. Sometimes I feel lucky that we can sit next door and see what a country can become if it's not monitored. It's kind of like that moment of silence you have before you realize that your three year old is being too quiet. By the time you realize it half of your video games have felt marker on them. It's almost ironic that they have invaded a country that is having a civil war, but can't see the war on their own turf. They don't realize that they have divided a nation based off of a few points that distinctly claim that you are either a patriot, or a terrorist. A liberal, or a conservative. A Democrat, or a republican. Is it really that simple? Do you really have to subscribe to one belief, or else? And major news channels actually defend this? Now that's a little strange.

I watched a documentary the other day called, "Escape to Canada" It was very interesting. It talked about our liberal views on same-sex unions, marijuana, and war.( and the people that have been there and don't want to go back) It talked about how we wanted to be a beacon in the world, of tolerance, understanding, and human rights. It showed that a lot of Canadians, even if they are not 100% sure about something, like gay marriage, would vote for it simply because we didn't want to be like Americans. Now Fox News would probably feel that's anti-American. To do something strictly because it's not want they would do. I'll cover that a little later. Canadians seem to believe that if it's not hurting anyone, if it's not really insulting anyone, then go for it. We are not polarized like the U.S. We don't have set rules in our interpretation of religion. I say interpretation because, it appears that there is another bible that is specific to the U.S., its citizens. It speaks of a God that only looks upon them, and upon their enemies with malice. As if God can separate between the borders of one nation and decide that they are better, most suited, and deserving of his love. Wouldn't that go against the idea of a God. He loves everyone.( within a certain criteria). As a baptized Catholic I'm a little offended. Granted I haven't been to church regularly in probably twenty years. That has a lot to do with the rules set by some of the institutions. I want to believe in some of it, but not all of it. I can't understand why we should honor thy mother and father as long a neither are gay. Love thy neighbor, as long they believe what you believe. Thou shall not kill, unless you're in Texas. You can't have it both ways. Can you? Americans sometimes come across as if the rules don't apply to them. Other nations can't have nuclear weapons, but they continue to produce them.

When we were asked about the war in Iraq we said no, and took heat for it. The nightly news channels made fun of Canada, called us weak. Yet failed to mention that we had jumped into Afghanistan and still have troops there. In fact as of today 78 brave soldiers have lost their lives for the fight. We were criticized for the blackout from years ago, but it turned out to be a plant in Michigan, not us. CNN must have forgotten to apologize. It is important that we stay firm. Our older, stronger, but maybe slower brother can't push us around anymore. I admit when Harper got elected I was nervous. He has a lot of the same values as G.W.B. The media is what truly separates our two nations. We don't have a TV channel that can out right support one side of everything. Fox News will only show one side of the story every time. Theirs! If you are a minority, gay, or non-christian, you are a threat to America. You can't support the war and gun control. You can't like the Dixie Chicks and vote republican. The rules are solid. It's one or the other. It's kinda like that stupid tough guy from your high school. When you come out the door he says, "what are you looking at?" but when you say nothing, he replies, "oh I'm nothing!" and then kicks your ass. There is nothing that you can say. Just ask that kid that was on the O'Reilly factor that lost his Dad on 9\11 but was told that he had a, "warped view of this world and a warped view of this country" because he didn't support the war. The mainstream media stations can openly say whatever they want as long as it perpetuates the message. Whatever the message is. I find it impossible to know whether to trust anything that CNN, and FoxNews has to say. Why? Because they've made it very clear that agenda is more important than fact. A woman was suspended from the golf channel because she showed "poor judgment" when she used the word lynch and Tiger woods in the same sentence. Oh if you didn't know he's half black. And he didn't care. She got suspended? Ann Coulter has referred to Darfur as, "This is truly a war in which we have absolutely no interest." Canada, " They are lucky we allow them to exist on the same continent"

Yet she's still invited on CNN. I think that as long as it is from a position of right wing beliefs, you can say what you want. Race isn't covered by that, so you may get fired.

I truly don't know if I have a point today, I'm writing out of anger. Yesterday a man I've never met, died. It is suspected that it was an accidental overdose, but maybe a suicide. Either way a Fox Newsman by the John Gibson of, " The Big Story" mocked Heath Ledger on his radio show yesterday afternoon. He made light of Brokeback mountian, and called him a weirdo. This is a young father, great actor and non-American. Maybe he disagreed with the movie choices he made, or his divorce, or Australia. Whatever the reason it was uncalled for. John Gibson is a disgusting human being. When the karma comes around, I hope that the good people of America use their freedom of Speech to exploit this degenerate. And don't forget about Fox news. They deserve to hear your cries as well.

By the way you may contact Fox :
call him directly on the radio program between 6pm and 9pm Eastern time. 1-866-868-6861 it's free

1 comment:

kevyn said...

god save the queen!