Thursday, September 4, 2008

it's not you, it's me?

I have spent many of nights trying to explain myself to a girl who believes that we were "further along" than we actually were. I have blown plenty of great opportunities to have a healthy relationship, even long lasting friendships. Usually what has gotten in the way is, me. Seriously. It's me! I truly have put myself before almost everyone up until...... four years ago. Some people have crisis at age 30 about proposing, or getting a better job, or finishing school. Not me. I was just becoming a adult.
The previous ten years are ones I'll never forget, and yet I barely remember them at all. I decided that I would never have mid-life crisis, therefore I acted like an idiot in my twenties so I'd be way too fuckin tired when I was forty. No sports car, or hooters waitress fling. Nope. Already done. Well no sports car, but I did......shit I can't remember.
A close friend of mine got married at 23 and I freaked on him. I told him repeatedly how stupid of a mistake it was. I mean how could anyone at that age seriously have the mental capacity to make decisions. It was his life though. You opine, but at the end of the day it's up to each person to make his\her own choices. They wed, he strayed, they divorced. No time to say, "I told you so", but I'm an ego maniac, so I did. I mean when we were kids, we knew right and wrong. We just didn't care. She was pregnant so he did what he thought was right.

I only bring this up because of the massive, overplayed Sarah Palin thingy that is taking place down south. Her daughter is pregnant. And 17. And apparently the baby-daddy is going to pop the question, or already has.(Or so he's been told) Her ultra conservative parents, Gov.Palin, thinks this is great. The campaign is spinning the shit out this as if they're the poster children for the much tauted abstinence program. Except that was to prevent STD's and undesired pregnancy. I guess this is what she wanted. Oh yeah, but she's not married.......
But she will be. So that's okay. For Palin.

Here's what's bothering me. It's okay for her, for her daughter Britsol, for the McCain campaign.
But what about this kid Levi Johnston? This guy's fucked. He can't break up with her now? Even if he didn't want to, how do we know that won't change? When I was eighteen I didn't know what was going on. I'm not sure that I know now!!

I now have two kids and I'm in my thirties. I'm still scared. Now, I've definitely banged more chicks than this dude, and that should freak him out. He's better looking and probably has a better future and he lives in Alaska! The best thing that could happen to this teenager is that McCain loses the election. He can wait and few months, break it off. "It's not you. It the pressure. It's that I'm followed everywhere I go. It's that I can never look at porn, or go to a strip club unless uncle Bush is in town" He could easily live off the money he'll get from all kinds of newspapers, and books, maybe a made for TV movie. (I'm already writing a first draft) Poor fucker. Remember how hard it was to break up with that first person that thought you'd be with them forever? This bastard has to do it in front of a whole country.

One of the most damaging statments that has been spouted over the past few days is Sarah Palin saying that it was her daughters *decision to keep the baby, and wed Levi.
Not his, not the state, not god.

"We're proud of Bristol's *decision to have her baby and even prouder to become grandparents."

Decision? I thought she didn't believe in women making decisions about their own bodies?
It seems weird that same people that believe in abstinence, believe that it okay not to follow the rule of abstinence as long as they get married. Even though their religous beliefs clearly state that they shouldn't break that pledge UNTIL they're married. But it okay because that makes them Pro-Life, even though it was her choice to have the baby and marry long before either one of these two chess pieces are allowed to vote. So by that logic they can't even roe through this shit, they have to Wade in it( I'm funny)

Are you telling me that Sarah Palin isn't even mad that her daughter disobeyed her? I mean what kind of parent isn't just a little pissed that her daughter was bent over the sofa with some red-neck down the street. Not to mention that he's a hockey player. That makes her a puck bunny!!!
Are we going to hear form Levi Johnston, or his parents? Wouldn't it be great to find out that Levi's parents are pro-choice, anti-gun, condom loving environmentalist. Dad's a vegan hippie and mom's a nurse in a woman's shelter.
Maybe it's just me

*Main Entry: decision
Part of Speech: noun
Synonyms: adjudication, agreement, choice, conclusion,

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