Thursday, October 23, 2008

no religion, no politics

Anyone who drinks too much knows one thing.....

No religion, No politics!

These are things that we are told not to bring up when drinking, because it's way to easy to disagree. People fight all the time about religion and politics. I'm no different.

So just after my last scotch (five minutes ago) I decided to write a letter to an American pundit known as Sean Hannity. Sean Hannity oftens says, "America is the greatest country that God ever created"

the letter:

Mr Hannity,

I wonder about statements about God as they pertain to a particular country. As a man of faith I wonder how you can invoke the statement that God created a country and the values it has. God created the world, the people in it, and everything about it. To believe that God has segregated our planet into groups that he shines on based purely on the borders that people have created, is insulting. That suggestion insinuates that God looks past my country, Canada, while overseeing Alaska. He is not a tool in your marketing, nor is God biased towards political parties, amendments, or foreign policy. I know that you take your faith very serious, but statements like that are removed from the teaching of the bible and the Lords message.

"You shall not make wrongful use of the name of the LORD your God, for the LORD will not acquit anyone who misuses his name."

But I didn't send it. Most of it represents me as a church going Christian, and I'm not. I already break most of the ten commandments, but I'm trying not lie. Much. Anymore.

But I figured that since he has a show where he can blatantly say that God favours countries, that I should reply on a blog read by my sister. So take that asshole!!!

My question(s) is this;

Do these nice church going people that show up at my door at 9:30am on a Saturday think that I've never heard of this "Christianity stuff"? I mean I'm a 35 yr old man. I haven't grown up in the woods!! I don't need you coming up to me to tell me something that I already know about. I mean I drove by the fucking church on my way home. It's a little pushy for me. When I'm on my way home from a bar I don't knock on YOUR door to tell you about Vodka. Maybe I should.

See, I'm all for religion. If that's, your thing do it. If it's not hurting people, do it. My problem with organized religion is that the rules haven't changed in like.......2008 years! I mean c'mon. A few simple updates.

You can't say that marriage is the union between a man and woman under God until death, then allow people to get divorced. (trust me I'm pro divorce) I just don't understand why the language, "til death do you part" has less weight then, " a man and a woman". Wouldn't the binding contract with you and God be more important than you and another person? If God is all seeing, omnipotent, and created everything, wouldn't that include homosexuals, Arabs, and liberals. Wouldn't he have created the doctors that perform abortions, as well as the mothers that chose it? Maybe I think that God is tolerant of everyone......

As for politics, the USA provides some real entertainment. I am concerned for anybody who has to sift through this shit for their leaders. It never seems that there is someone to choose anymore, there's only someone not to choose. Both candidates pander to anyone and everyone, all the while telling you why not to vote for the other guy. I wonder how the loser could even show their face when this is done. The economy is shit, two wars, scandals, lies, broken promises and all they can talk about is religion. That's fucked up. Obama doesn't wear a pin and they label him anti-American. McCain goes to POW camp as a kid and he's too American. The real disturbing thing is the candidates faith is what is deemed most important. Yet they're both church going Christians. And their respected parties attempt to expose the secular aspects of each others religion in order to get more votes. Wouldn't that be misusing the name of the Lord? While these attack ads refer to Obama as a terrorist, or secret Muslim, aren't the people behind them creating a false idol?

Elections are supposed to unite people, and give them a fair piece in the puzzle of democracy. What will John McCain say to those people that have said "Terrorist", or "Kill him" at his rallies, because of his campaign. Are they to be expected to drop the subject if Obama becomes the president? The USA needs leadership, it needs to be what we all strive to be , hate, or envy. It has been years since they've had that, and it might be more still. If Sean Hannity is right, and God does favour certain places more than others, I'm sure he's watching with a close eye on the election. I just hope he's got scotch......I just ran out.


stacy said...

hey - you HAVE to see Religuluos!

my new favourite movie.

Anonymous said...

"I don't stop at your house on the way home from a bar to talk to you about vodka. Maybe I should.". Hilarious! Anymore examples like this?