Wednesday, April 1, 2009

going green

I'd like to think that I'm doing my part when it comes to making the world a better place. I'm probably not, but I'd like to think that I am. I don't follow the truck and make sure that they are actually recycling, but I trust that they are. I try to buy local products, organic foods, and when I remember to bring those environmentally safe bags. I usually forget, but whatever.

When I shop for groceries I go on this criteria:
#1- local(or national) there's an economic crisis. We gotta look after those around us. Also the local stuff is usually fresher, better quality and in season.
#2-Organic- I want that good-for-you, no pesticides crap too. It last's natural. Awesome.
#3- environmentally friendly- I have kids, so I don't want that lemony Mr.Clean paint stripper that we used in the eighties. I just got my sense of smell back.

My problem with some of these products is that it seems they don't want the same things. My organic lettuce comes in a plastic container that my fuck-stick garbage man says isn't recyclable. What?
Why is plastic container not being picked up? And why is an organic product packaged in a non-recyclable container?

Which brings me to my real problem.....
If you don't like being a garbage man, or recycling truck guy, or working the empties counter at the Beer Store, then quit!! I don't give a shit what you do, but don't take out your petty frustrations with your shitty job on my shitty life! I have enough to worry about without some fucker in a jump suit coming to my door to tell me that he won't pick up my blue bin because it got knocked over. Or the wind blew some of the paper out, so rather than pick it up(it's right beside the bin) he leaves it on my lawn. Then when I get home three hours later it melted into the grass because of a rain storm. And for some reason my two blue bins are scattered across the driveway. FUCK YOU!!
I don't like my job either. But I'm mad at myself, not the assholes that order a drink that I don't want to make! ( Not true I hate those fuckers too) But I still make it......sometimes. Regardless, I work in a bar where handing out insults is par for the course. Just pick up my garbage please. I don't need your "holier than thou" attitude.
There are so many of us that don't like what we do but he have to do it for whatever reason. I afraid that the global narcissism is at an all time high. Everyone wants you to know what THEY are thinking, or feeling, with little care on how it comes across. How does that guy not realize that when he rings my door, to tell me that he's not going to pick up my trash, that I have the every right to knock him the fuck out. But he thinks I care about his job, his feelings, his code of ethics when he does his job. Well I don't.
I have a sign on my door that says "please don't ring doorbell, baby sleeping" So when this hunk of shit, so wrapped up in his sense of self, pushes that little button, so that he can update me on his feelings towards his job....and my kid wakes up, why should I care? In that two seconds it takes to read that sign, he could've realized that there was another person on the other side of that door.
That just makes me angry.....and you wouldn't like me when I'm angry

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