Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The Junos

some people like it the way they like their bacon, Canadian.
I don't care either way, and I'm certainly in no position to criticize the award show for Canadian music. The Junos are our thing. I usually don't pay attention to them cause they're are held somewhere outside of Toronto, and as a suburbanite I pretend that I don't know where Halifax is. However this year it's in Vangroovy so I shall comment.

Now, everyone knows that they're not the Grammy's, or the AMA's, or even the MMVA( I don't know what any of those things mean) but they are ours. They have tradition, and are respected and have a shit load of big name winners like Snow, and Luba, and Mitsou.....okay Mitsou never won anything, but anyone that remembers Bye Bye Mon Cowboy knows she was robbed. As Velveeta as some of the ceremonies have been , and as big as some of the artist have been, they've always been seen by the mainstream as fairly Vanilla.

Recently Matthew Good of the Matthew Good Band mocked the awards. He went on to make fun of MuchMusic's annual award show as well. When I first read about it, it was on my home page for the news and I skipped passed the article. I mean, it's Matthew Good. Who cares. He's got desire to attend, he thinks it's pointless. He went on to say "We played the MuchMusic awards (in 2000). It's full of crap. It's tripe, you know? I see it in some ways as forming a sort of false connectivity with people, because you have to present that sense of falseness that's very prevalent in music."

Someone in the public eye has to present a sense of falseness? Really? And you brought this up in an interview? One that you knew would be published in a major paper? What the Fuck, Matthew? If you hate the face time part of the music industry, then stop putting your fucking face on the cover of your albums. Is it you don't like the fact that the Junos are all about the big selling, marketable bands because you weren't one? If you don't want "false connectivity" then quit pretending that you're better than the people that do care. That do show up. I haven't heard your name since you popped to many pills in kingston, but your names in the paper now.
And what's that.....you have a new album coming out?

Two things
#1) you said about your writing, "There's so much for me to write about - society has become so absolutely ridiculous" guess what fucker, you're a part of that society. Some people even think that music helps shape it.....thanks

#2) If you want to be a burned out pot head, crusty old has-been that lives in parents basement, named his last album Avalanche with no respect for the many people that have died in B.C.,and now has bi-polar disorder.....don't name your new album Vancouver. For me it shows false sense of connectivity with the people of Vancouver

one last thing....do you really think that there's an award ceremony in any other country or market that isn't a load of shit?

Thanks for insight

1 comment:

stacy said...

yeah! what you said.