Thursday, September 8, 2011

and then...

 I have nothing to say.
...okay not true, because I always have something to say. Whether it's important or not!

Anyway, Knit toques in summer. What the fuck? Is this seriously a look that your want to portray? It's ridiculous. It's dumb. If I wore shorts and crocks in the middle of winter, but still pretended I was super-hip, you'd all think I was an asshole. It's the equivalent of Ontario people who say the like the cold. Shut up! It sucks.

The whole Vancouver Vs Toronto thing has got to stop. First of all to the players on both side of the table...If you haven't lived in both places you're not allowed to play. Don't give me some shit about how the people are rude in "the centre of the universe", but you're judging me like my previous job was GM of the Maple Leafs. Some jack ass here started a petition to get a baseball team in Vancouver, and his tag was, "we can beat Toronto!" At what. World Series wins? So stupid. Now to all the people that live back in the T.O., please don't find the most beautiful parts of B.C. and say you don't like it. I think mountains are dumb, and I hate the beach. Nobody hates the beach!!

 And we can go in the water here, granted it's fucking freezing.(I thought you like the cold!)

I'm hooked on America's Got Talent. I think it's how they should decide on everything in the USA. More People voted for the velvet voiced Landau Eugene Murphy Jr, than for any republican candidate. Fuck this every four year thingy, every year new guy voted on by the people, for the people.

My biggest guilty pleasure right now is watching inflated pride. People that think (ugh, KNOW) they are smarter and better than the masses. Those people that shout into there smartphones on the street. Or don't text in a club. People that look around the room to make sure that at least one other person can see how awesome they are. Guys that have  bulge of beer dripping over a cinched in belt, screaming what Peyton Manning should've done. Of course you know, you drive a truck. These people light up my life. You should thumb your nose at me for not knowing about different kinds of lox, you work at Safeway. You're the garbage man, why wouldn't I listen to your advice about my car. Because of all of these reasons, and more(the more being my wife's choice of TV) I can now openly admit... I watch Bachelor Pad!!

This might truly be one of the great gems in television. Other reality shows may be as good, but I wouldn't know. They bother me. Big Brother, more like Oh Brother. Survivor? Come on. Leave these idiots on an island and come back in a month. There's your winner. Hell, that imbecile from The View is famous from being on that show. Theses people on the Pad are unreal. First of all, they all talk as if something they are saying or doing is actually important, or relevant. They then say vulnerable things about themselves, all while being filmed. It's awesome. They think so highly of themselves, and the way they "play the game". I hope that they watch the show when it airs, but I'm sure they won't find it as funny as I do. As a student of writing for Film and Television, I can say this...You Could Not Write This Shit!!

It's that *good!

* by good I mean Bad