Saturday, February 16, 2008


I'm confused.
I've spent the past few days reading about some horrors of the world and again I am questioning what we are doing. I know that I get all worked up about things and sometime they don't make for funny stories. Thay can't all be funny!
If you know me you'll know that I'm a pacifist. I don't believe in violence to resolve a problem. What's the point. I'm also anti-war. Any war, not just Iraq. Armed conflict frightens me. It's not just the people involved, it's the crumbling social fabric. It's the preteens with AK-47s. I feel that there is too much selfishness that is involved. When I was young I had a couple friends that were known to get into fights at bars. generally they had no purpose. Generally they had no begining, and when it was over nothing was resolved. I see the same comparisons with international conflicts. Iraq was the guy across the bar that was looking this was funny. The U.S. had heard that he did some bad shit before. U.S. don't like the way he's treating his girlfriend(the oil fields) and have decided half drunk to handle it in his own way. Be the hero. Months before some other dudes had violated his girl(twin towers) and this guy kinda looks like him. Vengance! Before you know it they're wrassling. Uncanny. While researching how big of a loser Bill O'Reilly is I found that clip of him on Dave Letterman talking about Iraq. He admits that they made a mistake with the WMD's but now had to stay and fix the mistake. Of course never really saying that it was a mistake. If I ran a red light, because I thought it was green, I don't beat the shit out of the people in the other car that I hit while apologizing! Enough with that.
I've said before that there is a fundemental difference between Canadians and Americans. At the root we are different people. Which is strange because of our proximity. Despite the amount of times we are the punchline in one of their jokes, we truly care about our neighbors. We watch the news of their struggles and weep. We thank God it's not us, but we weep. On Thursday the U.S.,specifically Northern Illinois suffered a terrible tragedy. And our hearts go out to everyone touched by this. Then something happens, we reflect on ourselves for a moment and say why? I watched the news conference when the police had mentioned the response time, and the admiral job that the force had done. (a job that I'm way too much of a chicken to ever do!) And I agreed.
They talked about the bravery, and courage. I agreed. They talked about it being an unforseen tragedy. I disagreed. I can conceed that the act was premeditated, and heinous, but I can't definitively say it was unforseeable. The moment that you make guns available, and readily available you should expect violent crimes. It fits with every other realm. B.C. grows a lot of pot, ergo you have a lot of pot smokers. If you sell Heroin, you should expect that people will overdose and die. That is the result of the product. Smokers get cancer, Heroin users die, or contract blood disorders, people with guns kill people. It's a guns only purpose. Isn't it? At least heroin can be used medicinally, so can pot. It kinda funny that the U.S. is more concerned with Mark Emery(aka-the prince of Pot) then gun control. Because it's their Right! Right! What a great excuse. However when we, Canada, decided that it was our right to smoke pot they sent the DEA up here to stop us. (Good job voting for Harper my pot-head friends.) Why did we allow their government to step in and judge us? Yet when we dissagree with something that they are doing(Iraq) we're anti-American. It's fun double standard.
How long is an amendment going to be seen as humane? It is the right of every citizen to be able to shoot anyone that they feel is infringing on their....what? When they discuss have firearms for personal use, what does that mean? There are no other uses for a firearm then to kill. Is there? (don't fucking say target shooting. Practicing to shoot up your work doesn't count!) I feel sorry for a country that dons a law created in the 1790's. Or the fact that they can see GOD as their own but fail to recognize that the sixth commandment is thou shall not kill! Creating a weopons and selling them in Walmart is going to make it difficult to uphold that one. And it's a Commandment, which I think out does an Amendment. And it's clear!

Bible: Thou shall not kill!
2nd Amendment: A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

I've met some people from the U.S. that were visiting Canada for the first time and were shocked that we didn't have guns. One lady from Texas told me that she lived alone and had four guns at her house. So I asked her why. She said, Well, what if someone broke into my house and tried to rape me. What if...?
I hate hypotheticals. It's way to easy to say something stupid.
So I asked her how often that happens where she's from. To her neighbors, surrounding towns, cites, around the state. She didn't know. She remembered that it she had read in the paper that something like that happened once, but years ago. I told her that's the difference. We aren't taught that we are so special that when horrific things happen, they will happen to us. We don't have gated communities. We don't have to pay for our gas upfront. We don't live like that. Sure we have crime, we have assholes with guns. We have wanna-be gangstas that shoot 15 year old girls shopping on Boxing Day. But we're not like them. We don't feel that we should have the right to shoot anyone we want. We don't think that if we are getting mugged at gun point that we should shoot back, we give up our wallet. To paraphrase Marilyn Manson, "the media has made it clear that if you do something big enough you'll be heard. That's why those kids from Colombline were on the cover of TIME magazine." There is a fantasy that lives in the U.S., that going out in a hail of bullets is cool. If someone's going to shoot me, I'm going to shoot back! I don't want to kill anyone.
I guess that's what confuses me. Does the background check not cover how many other guns you have? Or have recently bought? Is there a limit to the amount you can have? Should there be? They really seem concerned about me when I crossed the border, do they do the same follow up on their own citizens? What purpose other than killing does a gun have? Does the back ground check that you get done not show you are on medication? And shouldn't it? I guess they'd need some sort of national medicare program for that.......don't get me started.

Gun murders 2007
UK - 59
Toronto - 42
US - avg. 81 per day

1 comment:

stacy said...

couldn't agree more.

not only do i not want to KILL anyone, i don't even want to hurt their feelings...not even just a little bit.

ps - i just finished reading 'the tipping point' interesting book. talks about this school shooting phenomenon is the US.